Can you build a nation’s preparedness and resilience for conflict by ignoring it? ⬇️
“We live in uncertain times. Armed conflicts are currently being waged in our corner of the world. Terrorism, cyber attacks, and disinformation campaigns are being used to undermine and influence us. To resist these threats, we must stand united. If Australia is attacked, everyone must do their part to defend Australia’s independence – and our democracy.”
Now that was actually a quote from the newly released Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency brochure (link in the comments) but we think this level of candor and preparedness is just as applicable to Australia. Australia wasn’t always so reluctant to prepare for war to protect the peace. Why don’t we prepare for conflict in a similar way to how we prepare for Natural Disasters?
As it became clear that peace had given way to a Cold War in the 1950’s, the Australian Government at the time focused on ensuring Australia was prepared should the worst case scenario occur. The Government invested in the Australian Defence Force including a universal national service scheme and importantly updated the Commonwealth War Book. ⬇️
“The purpose of the Commonwealth War Book (1956) was to facilitate the transition from peace to war, by setting down the administrative actions that will be taken in the early stages of a war emergency; indicating which Department or other Authority is responsible for action laid down in each field; and so enabling preparations to be made in advance of war”
Take a read of the now unclassified Commonwealth War Book (see link below) and you’ll find a well considered, clearly communicated plan to mobilise the nation.
Compare and contrast the approach other nations are taking to preparedness and fostering national resilience. Australia can certainly leverage international best practice and lessons from our own history to ensure our strategy of Deterrence is credible and our society can quickly move from strategic shock to protecting our way of life and the rules based global order.
🖼️ via Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency
Commonwealth War Book
Royal Australian Navy
The brochure In case of crisis or war
A new Swedish version of the brochure ‘In case of crisis or war’ will be sent to all households from 18 November for two weeks. Here you will find a version in English to download, order or listen to.