New investor enters the market focusing on sovereign lethal technology
am proud to announce a new area of focus for my family’s investments – BeatenZone Ventures. We will be investing more in entrepreneurs building the next round of local technology that will assist in maintaining Australia’s role in the region and our autonomy as a nation. It seems a day has not gone by where the drum beat of conflict does not get louder, we need to prepare and if the recent experience of innovations used in meeting Russian aggression on the Ukrainian steppe is any measure we need to be on the front of this wave, not lolly gaging around on the back of it.
New investor enters the market focusing on sovereign lethal technology
I am proud to announce a new area of focus for my family’s investments – BeatenZone Ventures. We will be investing more in entrepreneurs building the next round of local technology that will assist in maintaining Australia’s role in the region and our autonomy as a nation.