“Trump hates free riders on US Military spending and US Military power.” ⬇️
The team over at Strategic Analysis Australia (SAA) have been doing some great work providing policy options and informing the public debate on Defence and National Security. In his latest article for SAA (see link the comments) Michael Shoebridge assesses that President Trump will quickly notice our rhetoric is not grounded in reality:
“Even as we call for him to push America’s defence industry and the US Navy to sell us nuclear subs and technology and put more US troops into Australia, we’re still barely moving the dial on our own spending. Seeing this picture, his national security advisers are likely to add that Australia simply can’t do what we’re saying we’ll do for the amount of money we plan to spend on defence: you can’t have a capable conventional military of the size we plan and get 8 nuclear submarines all for 2.4 per cent of GDP.”
In recent years we have seen the Defence Strategic Review, the Defence Industrial Development Strategy, the first National Defence Strategy and an accompanying Integrated Investment Plan, the Naval Surface Combatant review… you know what there are so many we’ll just a link to the unclassified versions of the plethora of plans in the comments. But these strategic plans are not being matched with increased and accelerated Defence spending.
We need more independent subject matter experts pushing our Government and the Department of Defence to close the ‘say – do gap’. If it takes a few Grumpy Strategists, more power to Peter Jennings, Marcus Hellyer and Michael Shoebridge and all involved in SAA. Make sure you keep up to date with the SAA website and add ‘The Grumpy Strategists’ podcast to your listen list.
📸 via Strategic Analysis Australia
Australia’s defence: Trump will notice our grand words aren’t matched by actions – Strategic Analysis Australia
Strategic Analysis Australia
Strategic planning
Details related to strategic planning activities and documentation that support the achievement of the Defence mission.